Seattle Public Schools

Goals and Guardrails

SPS Goals and Guardrails

Seattle Public Schools will work diligently to accomplish the goals of our strategic plan to ensure that SPS students receive a high-quality education in a safe, warm, and welcoming learning environment. To achieve this, the district has established goals and guardrails which are aligned with Seattle Excellence, the district strategic plan.


Goals are what our students will accomplish, what we want our students to know, and what they will be able to do.


Guardrails are how we will ensure a thriving learning environment at school so our students can accomplish these goals.


Four students pose for a photo in a classroom

Goal 1

Early Literacy

70% of Black boys will achieve proficiency or higher on the 3rd grade Smarter Balanced Assessment by June 2024.

Three middle school students talk together in a classroom.

Goal 2


45% of Black boys will achieve proficiency or higher on the 7th grade Smarter Balanced Assessment by June 2024.

A student in cap and gown hugs an adult during a graduation ceremony

Goal 3

College and Career Readiness

62% of Black male teens in each graduating class will graduate on-time and successfully complete at least one advanced course by June 2024.

Progress Monitoring

Goal 1 Early Literacy: Interim metrics indicate results are unlikely to be delivered without significant changes.

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Progress Monitoring

Goal 2 Mathematics: Interim metrics indicate results are unlikely to be delivered without significant changes.

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Progress Monitoring

Goal 3 College and Career Readiness: Interim metrics indicate conflicting evidence regarding whether results will be delivered.

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Guardrail 1: Engagement

The superintendent will not allow school and district initiatives to go forth without engaging students of color furthest from educational justice and their families, following stakeholder engagement principles that are utilizing current adopted best practices.

Guardrail 2: Operations

The superintendent will not allow operational systems to deliver unreliable service.

Guardrail 3: Districtwide Vision and Anti-racism

The superintendent will not allow adult behaviors in central office, school buildings, or classrooms that are misaligned with districtwide vision, values, and anti-racism initiatives.

Guardrail 4: Discipline

The superintendent will not allow the use of disciplinary actions as a substitute for culturally responsive behavioral and social emotional supports for students, with and without disabilities

Guardrail 5: Safe and Welcoming

The superintendent will not allow any district department, school building, or classrooms to provide unwelcoming environments.